Selected research projects:
My research covers the fields of automated reasoning, computational logic, and formal verification of hardware and software in broad sense. More specifically, in my research I focused on two interrelated areas: (1) automated reasoning approaches to solve quantified Boolean formulas (QBFs) and (2) theory and practice of hardware model checking and design verification.
Representative publications:
- Search-based QBF solver DepQBF
- Olaf Beyersdorff, Mikolás Janota, Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl: Quantified Boolean Formulas. Handbook of Satisfiability 2021
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL. CADE 2017
- Florian Lonsing, Karthik Ganesan, Makai Mann, Srinivasa Shashank Nuthakki, Eshan Singh, Mario Srouji, Yahan Yang, Subhasish Mitra, Clark W. Barrett: Unlocking the Power of Formal Hardware Verification with CoSA and Symbolic QED: Invited Paper. ICCAD 2019
- Florian Lonsing, Subhasish Mitra, Clark W. Barrett: A Theoretical Framework for Symbolic Quick Error Detection. FMCAD 2020
Self-Consistency Checking for Hardware Verification
I contributed to theoretical frameworks and mathematical proofs of formal guarantees of self-consistency checking for pre-silicon verification of hardware accelerator and processor designs.
Selected publications and resources:
- Florian Lonsing, Karthik Ganesan, Makai Mann, Srinivasa Shashank Nuthakki, Eshan Singh, Mario Srouji, Yahan Yang, Subhasish Mitra, Clark W. Barrett: Unlocking the Power of Formal Hardware Verification with CoSA and Symbolic QED: Invited Paper. ICCAD 2019
- Florian Lonsing, Subhasish Mitra, Clark W. Barrett: A Theoretical Framework for Symbolic Quick Error Detection. FMCAD 2020
- Eshan Singh, Florian Lonsing, Saranyu Chattopadhyay, Maxwell Strange, Peng Wei, Xiaofan Zhang, Yuan Zhou, Deming Chen, Jason Cong, Priyanka Raina, Zhiru Zhang, Clark W. Barrett, Subhasish Mitra: A-QED Verification of Hardware Accelerators. DAC 2020
- Saranyu Chattopadhyay, Florian Lonsing, Luca Piccolboni, Deepraj Soni, Peng Wei, Xiaofan Zhang, Yuan Zhou, Luca P. Carloni, Deming Chen, Jason Cong, Ramesh Karri, Zhiru Zhang, Caroline Trippel, Clark W. Barrett, Subhasish Mitra: Scaling Up Hardware Accelerator Verification using A-QED with Functional Decomposition. FMCAD 2021
- Saranyu Chattopadhyay, Keerthikumara Devarajegowda, Bihan Zhao, Florian Lonsing, Brandon A. D’Agostino, Ioanna Vavelidou, Vijay Deep Bhatt, Sebastian Prebeck, Wolfgang Ecker, Caroline Trippel, Clark W. Barrett, Subhasish Mitra: G-QED: Generalized QED Pre-silicon Verification beyond Non-Interfering Hardware Accelerators. DAC 2023
Hardware Model Checking Based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT)
I contributed to the development of the SMT-based model checker Pono, written in C++, and also worked on performance profiling and tuning. We presented an in-depth performance study that highlighted the individual strengths of the different model checking engines implemented in Pono.
Selected publications and resources:
- Makai Mann, Ahmed Irfan, Florian Lonsing, Yahan Yang, Hongce Zhang, Kristopher Brown, Aarti Gupta, Clark W. Barrett: Pono: A Flexible and Extensible SMT-Based Model Checker. CAV (2) 2021
- Haoze Wu, Christopher Hahn, Florian Lonsing, Makai Mann, Raghuram Ramanujan, Clark W. Barrett: Lightweight Online Learning for Sets of Related Problems in Automated Reasoning. FMCAD 2023
- Code of model checker Pono
Usability, Robustness, and Performance of QBF Solving and Applications
I integrated incremental solving in the search-based solver DepQBF via a novel API. We demonstrated its effectiveness in several application case studies. Additionally, I co-authored QBF tool performance studies.
Selected publications and resources:
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: Evaluating QBF Solvers: Quantifier Alternations Matter. CP 2018
- Uwe Egly, Martin Kronegger, Florian Lonsing, Andreas Pfandler: Conformant planning as a case study of incremental QBF solving. Ann. Math. Artif. Intell. 80(1): 21-45 (2017)
- Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl, Allen Van Gelder: The QBF Gallery: Behind the scenes. Artif. Intell. 237: 92-114 (2016)
- Uwe Egly, Florian Lonsing, Johannes Oetsch: Automated Benchmarking of Incremental SAT and QBF Solvers. LPAR 2015
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: Incrementally Computing Minimal Unsatisfiable Cores of QBFs via a Clause Group Solver API. SAT 2015
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: Incremental QBF Solving. CP 2014
Parallel QBF Solving
I co-developed two orthogonal approaches to parallel QBF solving by search space splitting and portfolio, respectively. Additionally, I co-authored a related book chapter.
Selected publications and resources:
- Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl: Parallel Solving of Quantified Boolean Formulas. Handbook of Parallel Constraint Reasoning 2018
- Tomás Balyo, Florian Lonsing: HordeQBF: A Modular and Massively Parallel QBF Solver. SAT 2016
- Charles Jordan, Lukasz Kaiser, Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl: MPIDepQBF: Towards Parallel QBF Solving without Knowledge Sharing. SAT 2014
Improvements to Search-Based QBF Solving: Theory and Practice
I contributed to several improvements to QBF solving based on conflict-driven clause learning as implemented in the search-based solver DepQBF, e.g., by leveraging more powerful variants of resolution for clause learning. These variants result in a potentially exponential speed-up of solving time.
Selected publications and resources:
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly, Martina Seidl: Q-Resolution with Generalized Axioms. SAT 2016
- Florian Lonsing, Fahiem Bacchus, Armin Biere, Uwe Egly, Martina Seidl: Enhancing Search-Based QBF Solving by Dynamic Blocked Clause Elimination. LPAR 2015
- Uwe Egly, Florian Lonsing, Magdalena Widl: Long-Distance Resolution: Proof Generation and Strategy Extraction in Search-Based QBF Solving. LPAR 2013
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly, Allen Van Gelder: Efficient Clause Learning for Quantified Boolean Formulas via QBF Pseudo Unit Propagation. SAT 2013
Improvements to QBF Preprocessing
We defined and implemented clause preprocessing techniques that improved the performance of state-of-the-art QBF solvers as shown in related studies.
Selected publications and resources:
- Code of preprocessor QRATPre+
- Code of preprocessing script QBFRelay
- Florian Lonsing: QBFRelay, QRATPre+, and DepQBF: Incremental Preprocessing Meets Search-Based QBF Solving. J. Satisf. Boolean Model. Comput. 11(1): 211-220 (2019)
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: QRATPre+: Effective QBF Preprocessing via Strong Redundancy Properties. SAT 2019
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: QRAT+: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property. IJCAR 2018
- Marijn Heule, Matti Järvisalo, Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl, Armin Biere: Clause Elimination for SAT and QSAT. J. Artif. Intell. Res. 53: 127-168 (2015)
PhD Project: Exploiting Variable Independence in Search-Based QBF Solving
I devised data structures and algorithms to efficiently exploit independent variables in search-based QBF solving based on a QBF-specific variant of the CDCL (conflict-driven clause learning) algorithm. In related work, it was shown that this approach potentially enables an exponential speed-up in solving time. I implemented it in a new QBF solver called DepQBF that achieved several top rankings in QBF solver competitions.
Selected publications and resources:
- DepQBF solver
- Florian Lonsing, Uwe Egly: DepQBF 6.0: A Search-Based QBF Solver Beyond Traditional QCDCL. CADE 2017
- Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: DepQBF: A Dependency-Aware QBF Solver. J. Satisf. Boolean Model. Comput. 7(2-3)
- Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: Integrating Dependency Schemes in Search-Based QBF Solvers. SAT 2010
- Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: A Compact Representation for Syntactic Dependencies in QBFs. SAT 2009
Fuzzing and Delta-Debugging for SAT and QBF Solvers
We developed tools to randomly test SAT and QBF solvers by fuzz testing and delta-debugging. In a case study using our tools, we detected previously unknown bugs in state-of-the-art SAT and QBF solvers.
Selected publications and resources:
- Robert Brummayer, Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: Automated Testing and Debugging of SAT and QBF Solvers. SAT 2010
- Code of BlocksQBF, a generator for random quantified boolean formulas (QBF).
QBF Proof Generation and Checking
As an approach to verify the correctness and robustness of QBF solvers, we presented efficient techniques and a related tool chain to extract and check QBF resolution proofs and to extract and check Skolem and Herbrand functions as models of satisfiable QBFs and countermodels of unsatisfiable QBFs, respectively.
Selected publications and resources:
- Aina Niemetz, Mathias Preiner, Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl, Armin Biere: Resolution-Based Certificate Extraction for QBF – (Tool Presentation). SAT 2012
- Code of QBFcert tool suite
Preprocessing QBFs
We devised and implemented a preprocessing approach to efficiently derive new unit clauses from a given QBF. Additionally, I contributed to a QBF clause elimination technique that lifts a known technique from SAT to the QBF level. These preprocessing approaches potentially enable an exponential speed-up in solving time.
Selected publications and resources:
- Armin Biere, Florian Lonsing, Martina Seidl: Blocked Clause Elimination for QBF. CADE 2011
- Code of preprocessor Bloqqer
- Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: Failed Literal Detection for QBF. SAT 2011
- Code of preprocessor QxBF
MSc Project: QBF Solving by Quantifier Elimination
Nenofex (negation normal form expansion) is a solver for quantified boolean formulae (QBF) in negation normal form (NNF) that relies on expansion as the core technique for eliminating variables. Expansion is a QBF solving paradigm that is orthogonal to search-based solving using the conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) approach.
Selected publications and resources:
- Florian Lonsing, Armin Biere: Nenofex: Expanding NNF for QBF Solving. SAT 2008
- Code on GitHub